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It's fascist to criticize those in power, guys.

Joey Ice Cream Cone ran to Jimmy Fallon to help his falling poll ratings, because it's 2002 and people still watch late night talk shows.

Jimmy Fallon was as eager a wingman to Joe Biden as he was to Horatio Sanz when he was picking up underage girls for sex.

NBC's The Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon gushed over President Joe Biden, telling him that he is "bringing class back" to the presidency by attending events at the Kennedy Center and mingling with the elite, unlike former President Donald Trump.


Biden went on to mention his friendship with the late Sen. Bob Dole (R-KS), saying, "We were friends. We disagreed, but we were friends." He quickly shifted into attacking Republicans.

"We used to have an awful lot of that relationship, and there still exists, except that the QAnon and the extreme elements of the Republican Party and what Donald Trump keeps sort of — seems to me, feeding the, with the big lie, it makes it awful hard."

Fallon then implied that Trump was not a classy president because he did not mingle with the elite, telling Biden, "It was great to see you there [the Kennedy Center]."

"We gave you a standing ovation, because I go, 'Here he is, he's bringing class back. He's a classy guy.' You're bringing class back to the office, and I thought it was amazing that you did that," Fallon added.

Biden's poll numbers are in the 30s in one poll after another as many Americans struggle in an economy marred by record inflation. But Biden blamed his tanking approval on American workers getting "inaccurate information."

Video at the link. Ice Cream Cone only appeared on a videoscreen because he's frail and his brain is dying and he needs his handlers to intercede if he starts babbling too incoherently.

All we need is his non-corporeal presence, though.

Those expressing a "great deal" of "trust and confidence" in the military has fallen 25 points in the past three years, falling from 70% to 45%.

Those who say they have "little" or "not much" confidence has gone up 15%.

The slide from the February 2021 poll – where the military was at 56 percent – may have been exacerbated by the actions of military leaders in the wake of the violent demonstration at the Capitol on Jan. 6. Though some Americans feel military leaders stopped a coup by Donald Trump, the actions of General Mark "We're the guys with the guns" Milley likely repelled many Americans who though he sounded like a Turkish generalissimo.

It was likely the chaotic retreat from Kabul in August — the first time the American people witnessed a defeat in real-time — that pushed the poll numbers lower. Added to that were the deaths of 13 service members killed by a suicide bomber at the gate of Kabul's airport as they worked to speed the humanitarian evacuation. Of the 13, 12 were in their 20s, and all were volunteers.

Brian Williams, noted for being a truth teller par excellence, says that he is "not a liberal or a conservative."

Liberal, conservative -- he's just the guy you want manning the M-60 when your helo takes Taliban fire, that's all.

"The truth is I'm not a liberal or a conservative. I'm an institutionalist," he continued. "I believe in this place and in my love of country, I yield to no one."

Why I remember the days when Sarge took an insurgent round in the femoral artery and I tore open a grenade with my teeth to get at the powder inside, and used the powder to cauterize his wound, setting the powder off by striking my steel helmet against my pecker, which is always rock-hard when there's a storm comin' or there's murder in the air.

Williams went on to say that the "darkness on the edge of town" had spread across communities, now making its presence felt "at the local bar and the bowling alley, at the school board and the grocery store, and it must be acknowledged and answered for."

"Grown men and women who swore an oath to our Constitution, elected by their constituents, possessing the kinds of college degrees I could only dream of have decided to join the mob and become something they are not while hoping we somehow forget who they were," Williams said. He did not, however, call out any individual lawmakers.

He's not a liberal but he traffics in all the neoliberal bugaboos and moral panics.

Gordon Ramsey ditches California for Texas. Before going, he put a slice of bread on either side of California, and made it admit it was "an idiot state sandwich."

Teachers, whose workdays are structured around the maximum hours and workdays it is thought that children can handle, are complaining of post-covid "burnout" -- by which they mean, they are angry about having to physically show up for work, and want to go back to vlogging from the couch -- and have decided to take more half-days.

In a school year widely described as the most grueling of the pandemic, schools have come up with at least one fix for teacher burnout: more half days.

In Virginia�s Hampton Roads area, Suffolk Public Schools is shortening instructional hours every other Wednesday to help take the pressure off beleaguered educators. In Maryland, at least six school districts have remade their calendars for this school year to add in more early-release days.

Rick Briggs, chief academic officer in Maryland's Wicomico County school district, which includes the Eastern Shore city of Salisbury, said his system converted seven full days to half days because of "the stress and the anxiety and the wearing-down of staff like none of us have ever seen before."

"We want our teachers to be fresh, to be energized, to be in a better spot," which in turn allows them to bring their best to classroom instruction, Briggs said.

On Friday, I mentioned that California teachers had demanded, and gotten, one day per month, or one day per week, of at-home vlogging "teaching," to combat "burnout," despite study after study showing that such "teaching" does not work. Learning is hard, and it's too easy to drift off and be distracted by other things unless you're physically present in a classroom with limited distraction and a teacher minding you.

But teachers don't care. Purple Hair Don't Care. They want to be Laptop Class workers.

They're all about The Kids, though. All about The Kids.

JK Rowling is being attacked by transextremists -- what else is new? -- because she objects to classifying trans "women" who r#pe women with their intact male appendages as "women" for purposes of crime statistics.

And not just for crime statistics -- a complaining woman, appearing in court, would have to refer to her r4pist as a "woman," according to "her" preferred gender expression.

Biological males who identify as women are now officially women according to the criminal justice system, and JK Rowling has no tolerance for it. Scotland has joined the nations that are so on board with men turning into women that they allow the lie to replace truth in official documents, statistics and in the courtroom.

This means that if a male who identifies as female rapes a female, that rape is classified as a woman committing rape, with, presumably, her penis. And because of provisions and policies that require the use of preferred pronouns, a woman who was raped by a biological male who identifies as female would have to call her rapist a "she." In order to meet these guidelines, a woman who has been the victim of rape would essentially have to perjure herself in describing what happened to her before a court of law.

There's a debate about this in the UK. I heard about it on the Boyscast. It's very strange that some "crimes committed by women," which have never before ever been committed by women, such as, erm, exposing oneself on a subway, are suddenly skyrocketing.

But, whatever, if the law says they're now "women," well, ladies, take your statistical pounding. Start teaching women not to r4pe.

Be better, ladies.


Looks like the French police are losing pic.twitter.com/lb5HZP1eBA

— Luke Rudkowski (@Lukewearechange) December 12, 2021

The German government is dispensing beatings to the unmasked. It's for your health. pic.twitter.com/8yOemhSGzO

— Ian Miles Cheong @ stillgray.substack.com (@stillgray) December 12, 2021

Posted by: Ace at 06:03 PM



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