Can You Eat Chia Seeds and Flaxseed Together

Mixed seeds and a jar of chia seeds

Mixed seeds and a jar of chia seeds

Items touting chia seeds and flaxseeds are everywhere. What makes these little guys so special?

People have eaten shia seeds and flaxseeds since ancient times. Chia seeds come from a desert plant that grows in the southwestern U.S. and United mexican states. The Aztec people believed that eating the seeds provided an energy boost. Flaxseeds come from the herbaceous flax plant. They take been traced back to Babylonia and were believed to have medicinal properties.

The seeds are both good sources of cobweb, vitamins, minerals and center-healthy polyunsaturated fat. Unlike flaxseeds, the torso can absorb the nutrients from chia seeds whole. Flaxseed, however, cannot be fully digested whole. They must be basis so that the nutrients are available for your body to use.

These seeds fabricated a 21st century comeback considering they provide blastoff-linolenic acid (ALA), an omega-three fatty acid. Omega-3 fatty acids are used to form cell membranes every bit well equally signaling molecules, and they may reduce inflammation. Additionally, ALA cannot be made in the body. It comes from food. Other sources of ALA are plant foods like canola oil, blackness walnuts and soybean oil.

The body requires two other types of omega-3s: EPA and DHA. EPA and DHA come up from marine foods like fatty fish (tuna, salmon and mackerel), fish oil, krill oil and algae oil. Both establish and marine sources of omega-3s are benign. Cull omega-3s that align with your dietary preferences. Flaxseeds and chia seeds could be an easy manner to incorporate more than plant-based omega-3s into your nutrition. Remember that these seeds provide essential fatty and are higher in calories considering of the fatty (fatty is 9 calories per gram). The recommended portion is no more than 2 tablespoons per day.

Chia seeds and flaxseeds are bachelor in many grocery stores. Chia seeds are typically sold whole, simply flaxseeds can be purchased whole or footing. Whole seeds have a longer shelf life and should be stored in an airtight container at room temperature. You can easily grind them yourself with a coffee or spice grinder. If you would rather buy ground flaxseed, store it in the freezer to prevent spoilage.

Considering of their texture and flavor, chia seeds and ground flaxseeds are dandy additions to cereal, yogurt and smoothies, but you could add together them to cooked dishes like a casserole or crockpot repast. They tin can also exist used in baking. Chia seeds brand a gel when mixed with water, which enables them to be used in baked goods to add moisture. Ground flaxseed can be used in place of a little bit of the flour in a baked goods recipe.

There are some medical warnings nigh eating chia seeds and flaxseeds. Talk to your doctor if you are on a blood thinner or blood pressure medication considering chia seeds and flaxseeds may interact with these drugs. Women who are significant or breastfeeding should not swallow a big amount of flaxseeds. Finally, some people have reported an allergy to chia seeds, then take caution, especially if yous are allergic to sesame or mustard seeds.

Emily Selph is a graduate inquiry assistant and dietetic intern with the Department of Foods and Nutrition at the Academy of Georgia.


Harvard T.H. Chan Schoolhouse of Public Health. Version current 2017. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: An Essential Contribution. Internet: (accessed 17 March 2017).

National Institutes of Health – Office of Dietary Supplements. Omega-3 Fatty Acids Fact Sheet for Health Professionals. Version current 2 November 2016. Net: (accessed 16 March 2017).

WebMD. Why Are Chia Seeds Expert for Me? Version current 2017. Internet: (accessed 16 March 2017).

WebMD. The Benefits of Flaxseed. Version electric current 2017. Internet: http://world wide (accessed 16 March 2017).


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