at what bp is it unsafe for patient to go home

Blood pressure is a measurement of the force exerted confronting the walls of your arteries every bit your heart pumps blood to your trunk. Hypertension is the term used to describe loftier blood force per unit area.

Untreated high blood pressure level can lead to many medical problems. These include heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, eye bug, and other health issues.

Blood pressure readings are given as two numbers. The meridian number is called systolic claret pressure. The bottom number is called diastolic claret force per unit area. For case, 120 over fourscore (written every bit 120/fourscore mm Hg).

One or both of these numbers can be too loftier. (Note: These numbers use to people who are non taking medicines for claret pressure and who are not ill.)

  • Normal blood pressure is when your blood pressure is lower than 120/80 mm Hg most of the time.
  • High blood pressure (hypertension) is when one or both of your blood pressure readings are higher than 130/80 mm Hg virtually of the time.
  • If the top blood pressure level number is between 120 and 130 mm Hg, and the bottom blood pressure number is less than 80 mm Hg, it is called elevated blood pressure.

If you have heart or kidney problems, or you had a stroke, your doctor may want your blood pressure to be fifty-fifty lower than that of people who practice non take these conditions.

Many factors tin affect claret pressure, including:

  • The amount of h2o and salt you have in your trunk
  • The condition of your kidneys, nervous system, or blood vessels
  • Your hormone levels

You are more likely to be told your blood pressure is too high as you become older. This is because your blood vessels become stiffer equally you age. When that happens, your blood pressure goes up. High blood force per unit area increases your chance of having a stroke, heart attack, heart failure, kidney illness, or early death.

You have a higher adventure of loftier blood force per unit area if you:

  • Are African American
  • Are obese
  • Are frequently stressed or anxious
  • Drink too much booze (more than than 1 drink per day for women and more than ii drinks per solar day for men)
  • Eat too much salt
  • Accept a family unit history of loftier claret force per unit area
  • Have diabetes
  • Smoke

Nigh of the time, no cause of high claret pressure is establish. This is chosen essential hypertension.

High blood pressure level that is acquired by another medical status or medicine you are taking is chosen secondary hypertension. Secondary hypertension may exist due to:

  • Chronic kidney illness
  • Disorders of the adrenal gland (such as pheochromocytoma or Cushing syndrome)
  • Hyperparathyroidism
  • Pregnancy or preeclampsia
  • Medicines such equally nascence control pills, diet pills, some cold medicines, migraine medicines, corticosteroids, some antipsychotics, and certain medicines used to care for cancer
  • Narrowed avenue that supplies blood to the kidney (renal artery stenosis)
  • Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)

Virtually of the time, at that place are no symptoms. For almost people, high claret pressure is plant when they visit their health care provider or take information technology checked elsewhere.

Considering there are no symptoms, people can develop heart disease and kidney problems without knowing they take high blood pressure.

Malignant hypertension is a unsafe form of very high claret force per unit area. Symptoms may include:

  • Severe headache
  • Nausea and airsickness
  • Confusion
  • Vision changes
  • Nosebleeds

Diagnosing high blood pressure early tin assist preclude heart disease, stroke, eye problems, and chronic kidney affliction.

Your provider will mensurate your blood pressure many times before diagnosing you with high claret pressure. It is normal for your blood pressure to exist different based on the fourth dimension of day.

All adults over the historic period of 18 should have their blood pressure checked every year. More than frequent measurements may be needed for those with a history of high blood pressure readings or those with take a chance factors for high blood pressure.

Blood pressure level readings taken at abode may be a better measure of your current blood pressure level than those taken at your provider's function.

  • Make certain you get a good quality, well-plumbing equipment dwelling blood force per unit area monitor. It should have a properly sized cuff and a digital readout.
  • Practise with your provider to make sure you are taking your blood pressure correctly.
  • Yous should be relaxed and seated for several minutes prior to taking a reading.
  • Bring your domicile monitor to your appointments and so your provider can make sure it is working correctly.

Your provider volition do a physical exam to await for signs of eye affliction, damage to the optics, and other changes in your body.

Tests may also be done to look for:

  • High cholesterol level
  • Heart affliction, using tests such as an echocardiogram or electrocardiogram
  • Kidney illness, using tests such as a basic metabolic console and urinalysis or ultrasound of the kidneys

The goal of treatment is to reduce your blood pressure so that you have a lower risk of health problems caused by high blood pressure. Y'all and your provider should set a blood pressure goal for y'all.

Whenever thinking almost the all-time treatment for high blood force per unit area, you and your provider must consider other factors such as:

  • Your age
  • The medicines you take
  • Your risk of side furnishings from possible medications
  • Other medical conditions you may have, such as a history of heart disease, stroke, kidney issues, or diabetes

If your claret pressure is between 120/80 and 130/80 mm Hg, yous have elevated blood pressure level.

  • Your provider will recommend lifestyle changes to bring your blood pressure down to a normal range.
  • Medicines are rarely used at this stage.

If your blood force per unit area is higher than 130/80, just lower than 140/ninety mm Hg, you have Stage ane high blood pressure. When thinking virtually the best treatment, you and your provider must consider:

  • If you have no other diseases or risk factors, your provider may recommend lifestyle changes and repeat the measurements later a few months.
  • If your claret pressure remains in a higher place 130/80, but lower than 140/90 mm Hg, your provider may recommend medicines to treat high blood pressure level.
  • If you have other diseases or hazard factors, your provider may be more likely to kickoff medicines at the same time equally lifestyle changes.

If your blood pressure is college than 140/ninety mm Hg, yous have Stage 2 high blood force per unit area. Your provider will nearly probable start you on medicines and recommend lifestyle changes.

Before making a last diagnosis of either elevated blood pressure or high claret pressure level, your provider should enquire you lot to take your blood pressure measured at home, at your pharmacy, or somewhere else likewise their office or a hospital.


You can do many things to help control your blood force per unit area, including:

  • Eat a heart-healthy nutrition, including potassium and fiber.
  • Drinkable plenty of h2o.
  • Get at least 40 minutes of moderate to vigorous aerobic exercise at to the lowest degree 3 to iv days a week.
  • If you smoke, quit.
  • Limit how much booze you drink to i drinkable a day for women, and 2 a day for men or less.
  • Limit the amount of sodium (salt) you eat. Aim for less than 1,500 mg per day.
  • Reduce stress. Try to avert things that cause yous stress, and try meditation or yoga to de-stress.
  • Stay at a healthy torso weight.

Lifestyle changes

Your provider tin assist you find programs for losing weight, stopping smoking, and exercising.

You can also get a referral to a dietitian, who tin assist you lot programme a diet that is good for you for you.

How depression your blood pressure should be and at what level you need to get-go treatment is individualized, based on your age and any medical problems you have.


Most of the fourth dimension, your provider will try lifestyle changes first, and cheque your claret pressure two or more times. Medicines will likely be started if your blood force per unit area readings remain at or above these levels:

  • Top number (systolic pressure) of 130 or more
  • Lesser number (diastolic pressure level) of 80 or more

If you take diabetes, heart bug, or a history of a stroke, medicines may be started at lower blood pressure reading. The most normally used claret pressure targets for people with these medical issues are beneath 120 to 130/80 mm Hg.

There are many different medicines to care for loftier claret force per unit area.

  • Often, a single blood pressure level drug may not be enough to control your blood pressure, and y'all may need to have two or more drugs.
  • It is very important that you take the medicines prescribed to you.
  • If yous take side effects, your doctor can substitute a different medicine.

Well-nigh of the time, high blood pressure can be controlled with medicine and lifestyle changes.

When blood pressure is not well-controlled, yous are at take a chance for:

  • Bleeding from the aorta, the large blood vessel that supplies blood to the abdomen, pelvis, and legs
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Eye attack and heart failure
  • Poor blood supply to the legs
  • Problems with your vision
  • Stroke

If yous have high blood pressure, you will have regular checkups with your provider.

Even if you take not been diagnosed with high blood force per unit area, information technology is of import to accept your blood pressure checked during your regular cheque-up, particularly if someone in your family has or had high blood force per unit area.

Call your provider right away if dwelling monitoring shows that your claret force per unit area is still high.

Most people can prevent high blood pressure from occurring by following lifestyle changes designed to bring blood pressure down.

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Updated by: Michael A. Chen, Md, PhD, Associate Professor of Medicine, Segmentation of Cardiology, Harborview Medical Center, University of Washington Medical School, Seattle, WA. Internal review and update on 06/03/2021 by David Zieve, MD, MHA, Medical Director, Brenda Conaway, Editorial Director, and the A.D.A.M. Editorial squad.


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