Easy Way to Get Rid of Rad in Fallout 76

The arch in the workshop, need a couple perks to unlock it.

Turn it on, walk through it and no more rads

rad away is already basicly free they hand it out like candy

Mutant hound meat can be cooked to make mutant hound chops, which reduce rads.
Also many flavors of Nuka Cola, usually the ones you mix at a cola workbench, can reduce radiation by a substantial amount.

Originally posted by MortVent:

The arch in the workshop, need a couple perks to unlock it.

Turn it on, walk through it and no more rads

Originally posted by Desert Kitsune MarlFox:

rad away is already basicly free they hand it out like candy

Originally posted by Grendalcat:

Mutant hound meat can be cooked to make mutant hound chops, which reduce rads.
Also many flavors of Nuka Cola, usually the ones you mix at a cola workbench, can reduce radiation by a substantial amount.

These are not free btw..I have to do or farm something for it! I mean like, entering any chamber would reduce rads or what perks can reduce rads?

Ghoulish Perk will do that, but you can't get the real rad reduction effect until level 50.:steamsad:

Originally posted by Grendalcat:

Ghoulish Perk will do that, but you can't get the real rad reduction effect until level 50.:steamsad:

Damn..that sucks..tired of this radiation ♥♥♥♥..anyway or any place to get unlimited radaway?

Are you wearing power armor? That blocks most of the rads.

Originally posted by Grendalcat:

Are you wearing power armor? That blocks most of the rads.

No...I need to reapir it everytime I wear...

The console. Other than that, there isn't any free way to remove rads, by your definition.

Originally posted by a Hippobottomus:

The console. Other than that, there isn't any free way to remove rads, by your definition.

What is "The console"?

Originally posted by PROPHET:

Originally posted by a Hippobottomus:

The console. Other than that, there isn't any free way to remove rads, by your definition.
What is "The console"?

Press the ~ key.


6 Dec, 2018 @ 7:46am

Originally posted by PROPHET:

Originally posted by MortVent:

The arch in the workshop, need a couple perks to unlock it.

Turn it on, walk through it and no more rads

Originally posted by Desert Kitsune MarlFox:

rad away is already basicly free they hand it out like candy

Originally posted by Grendalcat:

Mutant hound meat can be cooked to make mutant hound chops, which reduce rads.
Also many flavors of Nuka Cola, usually the ones you mix at a cola workbench, can reduce radiation by a substantial amount.
These are not free btw..I have to do or farm something for it! I mean like, entering any chamber would reduce rads or what perks can reduce rads?

I don't think you get the point of the mechanic if your expecting to do nothing and rads vanish.

Building the Archway is actually rather easy, half the game is grabing the junk around the world anyway, might as well use if for something. Plus Fallout 4 was clearly designed intending for you to use the settlement crafting system.

Remember a location with an already working arch. Go there to clear rads for free.

You can craft about as much as soon as you get to the Red Rocket. Antiseptic(fairly common) + Glowing Fungus(Mole Rat Den next to the Red Rocket) + Purified Water(Fairly common)+ Plastic(Everywhere) = Radaway. The only thing that is a little hard to find in the early game is the Antiseptic, where you may have to buy some toothpaste or Abraxo cleaner from a merchant. A couple of hours into the game and you can sell RadAway to the merchants.


6 Dec, 2018 @ 9:50am

Originally posted by Anvos:

Originally posted by PROPHET:

These are not free btw..I have to do or farm something for it! I mean like, entering any chamber would reduce rads or what perks can reduce rads?

I don't think you get the point of the mechanic if your expecting to do nothing and rads vanish.

Building the Archway is actually rather easy, half the game is grabing the junk around the world anyway, might as well use if for something. Plus Fallout 4 was clearly designed intending for you to use the settlement crafting system.

Absolutely, the whole point of the friggin game. Built the rad-away arch about 100 years ago. Lol. NPC tracker also. why do people just expect things on their plate?


Source: https://steamcommunity.com/app/377160/discussions/0/1743353798882808374/

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