Ground Beef Crescent Roll Casserole -onion -pickle -flour -egg

This easy Sloppy Joe Casserole recipe will have your family begging for second and third helpings. It's always a hit with family and friends!

Sloppy Joe Casserole served in a clear casserole dish.

Sloppy Joe Casserole is perfect for the busy family on the go! If you love sloppy joes, and who doesn't, this is an easy way to make them fast!

The thing I like the most about fall is being able to turn on my oven.

During the summer months I never turn my oven on. Like never, ever, ever. Nope. Not going to happen.

Our a/c blows, and not in a good way so from about May/June till about September/October that sucker stays off.

If it's hot out I'm grilling. While I love to grill I also love to bake, roast and just plain old broil things.

So it's nice to finally have weather where I can turn on the oven and get creative.

Mini-me went shopping state-side last week with boytoy and his mom.

She goes over any Friday she has off from work. I give her a budget to stay within for groceries and she does my shopping for me. Not a bad deal right.

I usually requests weird baking items.

This is what transpired before the trip:

Mini-Me: I'm going to the states tomorrow so make a list.
Me: Score, making a list.
MM: Essentials mom, stuff we need.
Me: M'kay, essentials only! Got it!
*hands over list*

This is my list:

Mom's Essentials:
FUN cereal
FUN chocolate chips + baking supplies
ANYTHING that says funfetti
Milkshake glasses
Banana Split Bowls

I got nothing! Nada. Zilch. Zip. She came home with essentials but not my essentials. Dang kid!

Usually she's pretty good. One time she scored me a really nice cake stand. Sometimes she scores me really cool spices.

This time I got squat. She came home with actual groceries. The horror of it all!

One of the things she picked was Manwich. This was odd as she doesn't eat Manwich.

We eat sloppy joes but she's not a fan. I asked her what was up, and she said it was a really good sale so she grabbed a few.

Never one to waste an opportunity to eat a favourite meal from my childhood I decided it was game on. I wanted to shake it up though, make it a bit different.

She had also picked up these really cool Pillsbury Garlic Crescent Rolls. I've not seen them in Canada so I just had to figure out a way to use them.

One thing led to another and this is what I came up with for dinner.

I'll let you in on a little secret. This flipping casserole is amazing. I mean "eat the whole pan of it in one sitting" good.

I could not get enough of this stuff. You must try it as soon as possible.

Just make sure you get your stretchy pants on before you strap on the old feedbag. You're going to need them.

I kid you not people, this casserole is seriously addictive. It's almost like a sloppy joe lasagna.

Oh em gee, now I want a sloppy joe lasagna. I need more Manwich now.

In the meantime I'll polish of the one piece of this I hide so no one else would eat it. You gotta do what you gotta do.

Sloppy, messy and sheer perfection while shoving it into your pie hole as fast as humanly possible.

You're going to love this one. It's perfect for one of those busy days where you want dinner in under 30 minutes.

Sloppy Joe Casserole served in a glass casserole dish with a red oven mitt on a wood counter.

Other amazing recipes you'll love as much as Sloppy Joe Casserole:

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  • Roasted Red Pepper Pasta
  • Angel Hair Pasta with Shallots, Garlic, Broccoli and Lemon

Sloppy Joe Casserole served on a white plate.

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Sloppy Joe Casserole

This easy Sloppy Joe Casserole recipe will have your family begging for second and third helpings. It's always a hit with family and friends!

Course Dinner

Cuisine American

Keyword sloppy joe casserole

Prep Time 5 minutes

Cook Time 25 minutes

Total Time 30 minutes

Servings 8

  • 2.5 pounds lean ground beef
  • 2 cans Manwich
  • 2 packages of Pillsbury Garlic Crescent Rolls
  • 4 cups mozzarella cheese shredded and divided
  • Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F. Always preheat for a good 5 to 10 minutes to let the temperature rise then even out.

  • Spray a 9 x 13 pan with non stick spray generously. Set aside.

  • In a large frying pan brown your ground beef. You want to cook it until the juices run clear and it's browning. But don't overcook it. Nothing worse than overcooked ground beef, it won't absorb sauces well like that. Make sure you stir it often and break it up into little pieces.

  • Once the ground beef is cooked to perfection you can add both cans of the Manwich. Let it get to a nice bubble, then turn it down to a simmer.

  • Open the first package of Pillsbury Garlic Crescent Rolls. Unroll it and place it in the bottom of the pan you set aside earlier. Spread it out with your hands till it fits the bottom really well.

  • Now take half the mozzarella cheese (2 cups worth) and toss it on the dough evenly. Spread it out nicely.

  • Turn off your burner for the Manwich. Carefully pour the Manwich mixture over top of the cheese. Spread it out with a spoon evenly.

  • Now take your remaining mozzarella cheese (2 cups) and toss it evenly over the Manwich mixture. Spread it out nicely.

  • Now open the second package of Pillsbury Garlic Crescent Rolls and unroll it. The top is trickier. Spread it out by hand in sections before placing on the top of the cheese. You could press it down on parchment if you're uneasy doing this, then just flip the parchment over and the dough will drop over the casserole perfectly. Honestly it doesn't have to be perfect. I left some gaps on the side and it looks sort of cool when you do that. You get to see the cheese get all bubbly.

  • Place in the oven and cook for about 10 to 12 minutes, depending on your oven. You want the top to be golden brown.

  • Remove from oven and place on a secure surface.

  • Take a knife and cut the casserole into squares.

  • Remove carefully while hot, the first piece is always the hardest. May the force be with you for that one.

  • Serve with a big old sloppy joe smile!

Sloppy Joe Casserole served in a glass casserole dish.

Thanks so much for stopping in today. For my regular readers I apologize for my absence lately.

It's been hectic here adjusting to hubs working locally again. Been a busy couple of weeks but all is well.

Plans to knock down the wall between the living room and kitchen are under way. I cannot wait.

Thanks for hanging in there while I took some much-needed time off. I love you guys.

Thanks for visiting today!

Check out my recipe index for more amazing recipes. You can find more dessert recipes and tons of snack recipes.

While you're here please take a minute to follow me on Pinterest. I'm always pinning great recipes and fun DIY projects.

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Toodles! xx


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